About Ken Hubbard Photography
Whether it is a dusk lit rock face in Yosemite National Park, barely revealed through a mist of clouds, or an intimate portrait of a colorful New Orleans local, Ken Hubbard’s photographs beckon the viewer to look more closely. Beneath the contemplative solitude of these images lie a disciplined sense of composition and technique. It is a vision that Ken has developed through years of experience as a professional photographer.
Joining Tamron USA, Inc. in 2001, Ken turned his lens toward the American landscape, traveling extensively throughout the United States. Though he had never confined his photography to one genre, it was during this time that he realized the expressive potential and beauty of landscape photography. The results were a consistent output of breathtaking photographs that continually challenged the boundaries of the genre; a snow-covered buffalo staring ominously out of the frame, surreal rock forms in Joshua National Park that appear as if out of a sci-fi film, innumerable variations in light spilling through the depths of Antelope Canyon…Ken had found his calling.
Ken Hubbard continues to work for Tamron as the Field Services manager. In addition to taking photographs for the company-for national and international use, he acts as a trainer for new products and technology, sets up and works on all aspects of Tamron field workshops, and as the title suggests- is a supervisor for all aspects of the industry trade shows. Both on the job and off, you can always find him looking for another unique image to fill his camera’s viewfinder.
- Eric Lang

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